Another step in my career

Another step in my career brings me a lot of joy. I know I don’t usually write articles about myself, but today I feel that I need to share this news with you. Since I started my career I’ve always wanted to become a mentor, I love helping people and I knew how hard it was for me to start, so I wanted to be able to help others have a much clearer start than I had. So when I received an email saying I had been admitted as a mentor to the AUSIT Mentoring Program I was ecstatic!

But this is not about me

I might be elated about it, but this is not about me, the real stars of this show are my mentees, not me. I am just here to guide them through this amazing journey sharing my 12 years of experience in this job. I want to make sure that I am there every step of the way to answer their questions and find the answers together.

I don’t hold any secrets or any secret portions, I just have 12 years of work, errors, falling and getting up again, because that is how you do it, if you fall you get yourself back up and keep going, stronger and more determined than ever. Using those falls to empower them to go over the obstacles without falling is what motivates me.

It’s a journey and we all learn in the end

This is a journey where two people share ideas and help each other out. I believe I will learn with my mentees as much as they will learn with me. I might have all these years of experience to share, but I am far from knowing everything, I am constantly learning. They are highly skilled and well-equipped with knowledge about our industry, new techniques, culture, and other things. So this is a two-way street and I am very proud to navigate through it with them. So, this is not about me at all, this is all about them and helping them reach their full potential faster than I ever did.

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